Passionate self-learner with broad range of interests, 9 years of experience, a passion for clean and maintainable code, web technologies, frameworks and cloud services. I love to write code and learn new things. | LinkedIn | GitHub

Technical skills

Ruby On Rails

I play with ruby for 6 years now, last 4 years working with production code. I prefer to write tests first, have lot of experience with web scraping and background jobs (mainly sidekiq). Cannot live without CI server. Love to get my code reviewed and to review other's code.


I have used Backbone and AngularJS. I prefer elegance of CoffeeScript but I have knowledge of JavaScript's good and bad parts.


Fluent with Bootstrap, HTML5 and CSS. If possible, I prefer to use SASS and SLIM.


I have experience with MySQL, PostgreSQL and Redis. I am not scared of writing SQL queries without help of the ORM. I had occasion to move app logic to db level, leveraging triggers and procedures. I have also some experience with ElasticSearch.

APIs and Cloud

I have implemented APIs for mobile and web applications. I am familiar with REST, Amazon AWS, Heroku, Pusher, Google Cloud Messaging. I also have experience with working with legacy SOAP services using Savon.


I work on Linux and i love it. I use VIM as my editor. I only need a browser and terminal to work. I was maintaining Linux Servers in the past and I'm doing it now for my personal use. Familiar with Chef, Docker, Logstash and Kibana.